Wednesday, September 1, 2010

2nd Homeschool Shelf

Here is our other small homeschool shelf:

We say the pledge of allegiance each morning after our opening prayer.  K has already memorized the pledge but I still leave it up in case she needs it.  The top of the shelf is our globe, cd/tape player, pencil sharpener and Rory the Lion - who plays many patriotic songs such as America the Beautiful.  K insists that Rory stay there lol.

The first shelf right now just has our bucket of audios - Story of the World, Considering God's Creation songs, Grammar and Reading cds, etc.  The second shelf is a storage tray with notebook paper and the bottom is lapbooks and file folder games we have made and some we are working on.  Then there are K's stickers for her AAS chart and books chart.  Then I have some dollar store trays that contain things we use a lot - tape, tacks, clips, etc.  The rest of our crafty stuff is in the craft closet.  The bottom shelf has file folders, cardstock paper, magazines for cutouts and some other miscellaneous stuff.

I've decided that instead of having the craft closet in the spare bedroom, I want to purchase some bookshelves with doors and bring the craft supplies out into the homeschool room instead of having to go back and forth.  I may venture to do that this month and will blog about it if I do!!

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