Friday, October 18, 2019

3rd Week of 1st Grade Pics

Z learned about Cuneiform and Hieroglyphics this week and practiced writing his name and doing stamps in these early forms of writing:

Last week he did a cave "painting" drawing - my daughter and I also contributed to show him what to do, his are the middle bottom people:

He really likes using the Counting Bears in Saxon Math to help with addition:

Thursday, October 3, 2019

1st Grade Human Body Projects

Z is following my free 1st Grade Human Body Study.  The links aren't all working anymore because it has been so many years but we are finding enough to do to supplement.  We did a cut out skeleton project, it was in various bones and he had to put them together in the right order and glue them down.  Then, we bought the Magic School Bus Human Body kit and we have done 3 projects so far and he likes it but he LOVES the poster and stickers that we put on as we learn!

Z's 1st Grade History Read-Aloud Reading List

We are following almost the exact same path in history that we did with our daughter many years ago when she was in 1st grade.  You can see her list here.  This list below is going to be updated as we go on the books relating to history that we read-aloud to Z.  Z has a very hard time paying attention, so I try and get books that I think work for him and his attention span and comprehension level, which is both less than K's was at this age.  These books go along with the recommendations in the Story of the World Ancient Times Activity Book.

  1. Archaeologists Dig for Clues - Duke
  2. The First Dog - Brett
  3. Little Grunt and the Big Egg - DePaola
  4. Bill and Pete Go Down the Nile - DePaola
  5. We're Sailing Down the Nile - Krebs
  6. The Nile River - Fowler
  7. Abu Ali: Three Tales of the Middle East - Van Woerkom
  8. Mummy Riddles - Hall
  9. The Story About Ping - Flack
  10. Look What Came From Egypt - Harvey
  11. Anansi the Spider - McDermott
  12. Zomo the Rabbit - McDermott
  13. Rhinos for Lunch and Elephants for Supper - Mollel
  14. Anansi and the Magic Stick - Kimmel
  15. The Pot of Wisdom: Ananse Stories - Badoe

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

High School Transcript Plan

We planned out high school together and made K's transcript.  I filled in grades for this year, although English I and Biology grades are almost a B and could change once she completes the courses but for now she's a straight A student!

She took so much in her 9th grade year, that she will have it pretty easy the last 2 years of high school.  This will give her time for volunteering and other activities and hobbies as she chooses.

*It should say 28.5 credits

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Z's 1st Grade Curriculum

I can hardly believe that I'm writing up my son's 1st grade year on this blog!  When I started it 10 years ago, I was writing up my daughter's!  It is very surreal.  I'm more prepared and relaxed this time around.  I will be using pretty much the same things as I did for my daughter, with some exceptions and/or add-ons to personalize it.  I'm so glad that I saved all of my daughter's curriculum all of these years - even lugging them cross-country from Washington state to Ohio in a Penske!  I can now just spend my money on buying supplemental materials for my son, since the basics are already covered!

We are working our way through The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading already right now in K, and we will continue on with the lessons through 1st grade and hopefully finish it up before 2nd grade.

Bible - Bible Study Guide for All Ages

Reading - Continue OPGTR & Book Lists

Writing - Writing With Ease 1

Grammar - First Language Lessons 1

Math - Saxon Math 1

Spelling - Spelling Workout A & B

History - Story of the World 1

Science - Animals, Human Body and Plants

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Z's Completed Independent Reading List (Kindergarten)

This list only contains readers that Z read by himself, not ones we read to him.

Bob Books:
Set 1 (12 readers)
Set 2 (12 readers)
Set 3 (8 readers)
Set 4 (8 readers)
Set 5 (8 readers)

Abeka Books:
Little Owl Books 1-8
Tim Can
My Pet Tim
Gail and Sue
My Pet Fred
At the Beach
The Black Hen
My Pet Tex
Let's Play Ball
I Am a Rock
I Am a Truck
My Pet Dick
My Pet Zack 
Let's Play Dolls
I Am a Bee
My Pet Tom
I Am a Hen
My Pet Rab

Sounds Like Reading books:
The Bug in the Jug Wants a Hug
Stop, Drop, and Flop in the Slop
The Thing on the Wing Can Sing
The Nice Mice in the Rice

MCP Readers
Stan and Scott Are Twins
Don Dole

Saturday, February 23, 2019

10th Grade Curriculum Choices

I posted our 10th grade courses here and now will go into depth with what we are using for each.

Image Credits: RainbowResource; WinterPromise; CompuScholar; Notgrass

Core Subjects

English II - Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind RED book; Writing With Skill; Vocabulary from Classical Roots; Book List

Algebra II - Saxon Algebra 2; Saxon Teacher CD's; Art Reed DVD's

Astronomy - Survey of Astronomy pack

World History - Notgrass' Exploring World History (Book List)

Latin II - Henle Latin


Bible II - Memoria Press' Christian Studies IV; New Testament and Old Testament flashcards

Graphic Design - Schoolhouse Teacher's Graphic Design course

Game Design - CompuScholar Unity Game Programming course

Equine Studies - Equine Science

Home Economics - Christian Light's Home Economics I

Monday, February 18, 2019

10th Grade High School Courses

We've already planned out 10th grade, though we won't start till the fall.  My daughter got a lot of credits her 9th grade year, so by the time 12th grade rolls out, she barely needs any and can pursue her passions more in depth.

Core Subjects
English II
Algebra II
World History
Latin II

Graphic Design
Game Design
Equine Studies
Home Economics

Total Credits - 8
Total High School Credits - 18

Extracurricular Activities
Violin lessons
Church Youth Group
Church Devotional Reading (Public Speaking)
Horse Riding Lessons

* Graphic Design and Equine Studies are 1/2 credit, the rest are full credits.  She took 2 years of violin lessons years ago and has missed it ever since, so we are hoping to incorporate them back in if time (and money) permits with also doing horse riding lessons.

Go here to see a detailed post about what we are using for each subject:

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

10 Years of Cambridgeshire Academy

I started this blog in 2009 when I started homeschooling my daughter.  I tried to catalog a lot of the journey with her from Kindergarten through, currently, 9th grade!  It is proving to be a great tool for us as I look back on what we did now that I'm starting to homeschool my son as well.  It is hard to believe it has been 10 years since I started our homeschool website!

My son is gifted, so we are doing things differently, though we are still using the same curriculum as we did with my daughter - I'm adding in more to fill out his craving for learning.  We will probably finish the phonics program (4th grade level) by the end of this year, and he is only Kindergarten level.  He is immersing himself in everything he can at the moment, he is like a sponge and doesn't seem to ever get full.

I hope to continue to catalog my daughter's journey through high school and then my son's entire school journey.  One of these days, I would like to update old links from posts over the past 10 years but that isn't a big priority right now, though I have done some.

Thanks to my readers, both new and old!  Here's to a great 2019!