Math - Saxon Math Algebra 1/2 (We use the Saxon Teacher CD-ROM and Art Reed videos)
Language Arts
- Reading* - Assigned Book List; Fun Book List & Family Read-alouds
- Grammar* - Grammar for the Well Trained Mind; Editor in Chief workbook
- Writing* - Writing With Skill I; Writing and Rhetoric 4
- Comprehension - Abeka Skill Sheets; Reading Detective A1
- Spelling - Spelling Workout H (finishing last half of the book and will be done with spelling)
- Vocabulary - Finish MP's Roots of English; Vocabulary from Classical Roots A
Logic - Fallacy Detective (finishing up)
Foreign Language
- Latin - Latina Christiana II (finishing last half)
- Greek - Memoria Press Elementary Greek II
- Hebrew - Miiko Shaffier's Hebrew (Summer)
- Spanish - Getting Started with Spanish
Science - Jay Wile's Discovering Design with Earth Science
History* - The Human Odyssey; Story of the World; The Good and the Beautiful (we started HO in late 4th grade and continuing on and probably be to the Renaissance come 6th grade)
Fine Arts
- Art - Home Art Studio (my adult daughter teaches art)
- Music - Piano lessons - Hoffman Academy (finishing program in 6th)
Computer - CompuScholar's Tech Essentials
Z is doing 4 foreign languages because he begged to add in 2 more. He will be stopping Latin when he finishes LCII and going into his 3rd year of Greek, so I think he can handle some introductory courses in Hebrew (summer) and Spanish; both he has requested.
*I will be teaching: history, Writing & Rhetoric, grammar, logic and read alouds - the rest Z will be doing independently.