My son is a big fan of David Adler's books! My daughter is also, as she had read almost all the Cam Jansen series when she was younger. Z loves reading Adler's books and I checked out as many as I could find at the library and then we own some as well. I highly recommend them!
Sunday, February 28, 2021
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Z's 2nd Grade Assigned Reading List
This list consists of Z's independent assigned reading time during school-time. These are higher grade reading-level books intended to be a challenge and introduce new words. He reads out aloud to me during this time and usually for 20 minutes.
For the stories by Osborne (Mary Pope Osborne), we own her book, "Favorite Medieval Tales" and it is excellent! Medieval tales are gory and some of the pictures represent that but I believe the tales of heroism and bravery are much needed, especially for boys that want to be noble men.
- Beowulf - Osborne
- Song of Roland - Osborne
- Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Osborne
- Robin Hood and the Golden Arrow - Souci
- Saint George and the Dragon - Hodges
- The Werewolf - Osborne
- Knights of the Round Table - Gross
- The Kitchen Knight: A Tale of King Arthur - Hodges
Monday, February 1, 2021
K's Standardized Testing Scores
K seems to always get 99 percentile in math every year and this year was no different! (Thank you Art Reed and Saxon!) She improved her scores in spelling and other reading/English sections too by a big amount, making her overall composite score 97 percentile and 9 stanine!
The following table lists the meaning of each score:
9) Highest Level
8) High Level
7) Well Above Average
6) Slightly Above Average
5) Average
4) Slightly Below Average
3) Well Below Average
2) Low Level
1) Lowest Level
I'm living proof that you mother, can do it! Don't let anyone make you feel you are inferior or don't have what it takes. Put GOD FIRST and He will do the rest. We made knowing God and the Bible the most important and everything else fell into place. Seek Him first and don't chase success without Him!
Z's 2nd Grade History Read-Aloud Reading List
We took a break from history read-alouds because we stopped doing SOTW and have instead been doing Abeka's American history and states and civics studies. However, I decided to go ahead and add back in the ancient history read-alouds now because they're such good books and I don't want to miss out on them just because they don't match our current history study. We're also reading American history books mixed in as we go.
- Look What Came from Egypt - Harvey
- The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor - Yeoman
- The Legend of the Persian Carpet - dePaola
- King Nimrod's Tower - Garfield
- The King in the Garden - Garfield
- The Five Chinese Brothers - Bishop
- The Journey of the One and Only Declaration of Independence - St. George
- Let it Begin Here! : Lexington & Concord - Fradin
- The Price of Freedom : How One Town Stood up to Slavery - Fradin
- A Picture Book of Louis Braille - Adler
- William Still and His Freedom Stories : The Father of the Underground Railroad - Tate
- The Bobbin Girl - McCully
- The Persian Cinderella - Climo
- King Midas and the Golden Touch - Craft
- The Best Book of Ancient Greece - Weber
- You Wouldn't Want to Be a Slave in Ancient Greece - MacDonald