Thursday, August 30, 2018

High School Biology - The Cell

My daughter loved this video about the cell, it really lays it out in an easy format and well worth watching a few times!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

9th Grade Curriculum Choices

I already posted our 9th grade plan here, but I didn't detail what we were using for each subject. Here are the choices in curriculum that we are using for each:

Core Subjects

English I - Grammar for the Well Trained Mind; Vocabulary from Classical Roots; Writing With Skill; Book list

Algebra I - Saxon Algebra I; Saxon Teacher CDs; Art Reed DVDs

Latin I - Latina Christiana I & II with DVD Teacher

Biology I - Biology; Supercharged Science, Biology 101 DVDs, Encyclopedias, books, videos, kits, etc.

American History - Notgrass American History; Encyclopedias and other books; Videos

Traditional Logic I - Memoria Press' Traditional Logic with DVD Teacher


Intro to Aviation - Flight school online & Flight hours

Information Technology - Digital Savvy (CompuScholar)

Sewing - 12-week class w/ Master Seamstress

Computer Keyboarding - Typing Instructor

Bible - MP Christian Studies III

PE/Health - Online websites about health like, exercise videos/treadmill

Total Credits - 10.5

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Standardized Test Results

We haven't done a standardized yearly test since 4th grade.  When I tested my daughter then she was several grades ahead and I just never saw the use of testing every year and it wasn't required.  I decided to go ahead and test and see how she was doing. Well, she did awesome and I don't know why I ever worried it would turn out any other way - God + Education + Love = Success!

Math was her best subject and always has been so I knew she would do well, however, I didn't know she would do THAT well LOL!  She scored 99th percentile in math and college level!  That is the highest possible score.  Saxon math is proving to be what I knew it was, an excellent math program.  I did the teaching for Saxon math 1-4 and then let the Saxon Teacher CD do the teaching for grades 5 on.  We added in Art Reed's DVDs this past year and will continue with both of these through high school.

English has always been her worst subject and I was just hoping she would actually pass.  Again, I was surprised to see she scored well above average and 11th-12th grade level!  To think she scored that well and we didn't even do past the 5th grade R&S English book.  I credit it to Susan Wise Bauer's excellent elementary programs - First Language Lessons and Writing With Ease - and her recommendations for reading.  My daughter scored at college level in reading and we followed almost all of the book lists in The Well Trained Mind.  It works!!

God makes the difference!  He WILL bless your homeschool!!

Monday, August 13, 2018

Latina Christiana I & II in 9th Grade - High School

We did Prima Latina in 4th grade, I believe it was, and moved on to the first book of Latina Christiana but never made it through, it seemed to be the easiest subject to drop.  I had read that others do LC I & II in 9th grade and then move on to Henle Latin, which was our original plan of progression.  Memoria Press came out with First Form Latin and did away with LC II but I had already purchased LC II and wanted to use it.  I also didn't like that FFL would have 4 books before being able to move on to Henle 1st year.

I'm so thankful to have come across this schedule for finishing LC I in 10 weeks but I don't remember where I got it from, so I can't credit the mom who shared it.

Week 1: Lessons 1-3, First Conjugation
Week 2: Lessons 4 and 15, irregular verbs Sum and Possum
(I know these lessons are far apart in the book, but Sum and Possum are closely related and
the lessons go well together)
Week 3: Lessons 5-7, First Declension
Week 4: Lessons 8-10, Second Declension
--Insert a review week anywhere that it's necessary. Once you learn vocabulary, it should be
reviewed at *least* weekly and any problem words should be practiced daily. Once you've
covered a grammar concept, incorporate it into *daily* recitation.--
Week 5: Lessons 11 and 12, Second Declension Neuter
(a light week, good for reviewing)
Week 6: Lessons 13 and 14, Adjectives
Week 7: Lessons 16 and 17, Second Conjugation
Week 8: Lessons 18-20, Future Tense
Week 9: Lessons 21-23, Imperfect Tense
Week 10: Lessons 24 and 25, Personal Pronouns

I think the key would be doing Latin *daily* (at least five days a week, and preferably at least a
quick grammar recitation on a sixth day). LC is very gentle, and I don't think this is an
unreasonable schedule for a ninth grader. Flash cards will be a big help. We add new
flashcards and cycle out old ones as they become automatic. Each week or so, pull out the "old"
cards and go through the stack for review -- if any are missed, put them back in the daily
rotation. Post a list of grammar concepts and keywords so that daily recitation consists only of
glancing at the list and calling off the words.