Can you believe my daughter is going to be doing 11th grade!? I remember starting this blog back when she was starting Kindergarten and here we are - close to the finish line! It has gone too fast and it was much easier than I thought it would be. We changed things up with my daughter's transcript because she wanted to do different things in 10th and the rest of high school and I catered to her desires.
Core Subjects
English III - Grammar for the Well-Trained Mind; Writing With Skill; Elements of Style Book and Workbook; Vocabulary from Classical Roots; Book List
Advanced Math - Saxon Advanced Math; Saxon Teacher CD's; Art Reed DVD's
Science - Chemistry 101
Government & Economics - Notgrass' Exploring Government and Exploring Economics
Church History - The Church in History
Psychology - Homeschool Psyche
With English, it looks like a lot but it all flows together. We are working our way through Grammar for the Well Trained Mind workbooks, as well as Writing With Skill. I added in the Elements of Style because I remember having it school and I believe it's a great resource and the workbook helps you navigate through the teachings. My daughter had issues with vocabulary, so I made her do the first book over again and she is really going through the books quicker now and expanding her understanding of word roots and meanings derived from Greek and Latin.