Thursday, February 15, 2018

Grammar for the Well Trained Mind

We are DONE with Rod and Staff English, neither one of us could take it anymore and I was so glad to see that Susan Wise Bauer had come out with a new complete grammar program!  We have been doing the first book and it is great and we really enjoy the layout and ease it will be to go through 4 years of this.  Combined with writing, this grammar program counts as a full English or Language Arts credit for high school.

Rush Revere American History Books

I hadn't heard about Rush Limbaugh's books on American history for children until about 2 weeks ago.  There are five books so far and they have challenges, activities, games and more on the website.

The main website is: 

They also have a website for homeschoolers!  It has study guides and activity pages for each book that you can download for free:

We are due to the get the first book and audiobook and excited to see what everyone is talking about as many children rave about these books.