My favorite book for elementary and middle school science is Considering God's Creation by Eagle's Wings. I've had it since my daughter was little and I'm using it more now. It covers, Creation, Stars/Sun/Planets, The Earth, Rocks/Minerals, Weather, Plant Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Animal Anatomy & Physiology and Human Anatomy. We're doing the Animal part right now and then moving on to plants. It also comes with an audio CD of songs that both my kids have loved!
We cut cut out the Animal Classmates and Features of Creatures game pages and laminated them (my daughter colored them for us). Z loved playing both of these games!
I got this classification pack from Scholastic several years ago and I love it for teaching animal classification. We will be doing another Scholastic pack on insects after we finish up these.
Here are some great games we used to teach habitats, animal tracks, food chain and life cycles:
We had this very large animal encyclopedia and my son has taken a lot of interest in it and has decided he's going to read his way through the whole book! He keeps the globe next to him so he can locate just where these animals are normally found.
We also utilized the Magic School Bus DVDs we own and Z watched the zoology-related episodes: Cold Feet, Cracks a Yolk, Goes Upstream, Going Batty, Hops Home, and In the City.
After we finish up learning about these classes of animals for a few weeks, we will do a few weeks on insects. *Update - you can see the insect study post here.