We were supposed to do Story of the World for history but Z just can't pay attention long enough to remember or learn anything because he said it's boring - and believe me, I've tried a lot of different ways since 1st grade! So I decided to try something else and create my own blend of social studies/civics/geography and so far, so good!
**UPDATE - We finished everything below in Social Studies/Civics and decided to add in Abeka's Our America and Z loves it!
Here are the topics we have learned about so far with books we own, library books and videos from YouTube:
Social Studies/Civics:
American symbols, landmarks, holidays, White House, 3 branches of government, Washington D.C., the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, laws, rights, local government departments, citizenship, voting, mailman, police, paramedics, firefighters, emergency vehicles, military branches, construction workers, doctors, libraries, producers/consumers, resources, society, community, urban/suburban/rural, towns and cities
*Some great YouTube channels we used were Homeschool Pop, Kids Academy, A Kid Explains History
50 states & capitals, continents, countries, maps, physical geography, more to come...
*We are blending in our geography study with Earth Science that we are currently doing in science. We also have several geography games that we play frequently and they are the easiest way to learn states and countries!
Biographies - Christopher Columbus, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Inventors, history and patriotic songs, more to come...