Friday, February 19, 2016

How Do You Homeschool?

A common question I have been asked over the past 7 years that I've homeschooled has been: "How do you homeschool?"  There are 2 books that I recommend and they are the KJV Bible and The Well-Trained Mind:

I've read both of these books so much and I find that tabbing is helpful and highlighting the WTM is a must.  It is that easy and almost all of the answers about life and homeschooling and are in these books!  I like seeing the whole picture of what I set out to do and both of these allow you to see that - the Bible allows you to see the whole picture of life and eternity and the WTM allows you to see the whole picture of education from birth to college.

The thing is, people won't read anymore!  That is the reason they have problems with life and God because they don't read His Word and then they have problems with homeschooling because they aren't reading the book that shows them the way.  READ!  I can't say it enough but this is my answer to those that ask how I homeschool and it works!