The fourth week we learned the story of Noah. There is so much you can do with Noah, so we have decided to spend more time on this story. You will find that each part of the story - from the obedience of Noah to God's orders despite the rest of the world's evil to the flood and judgment of God to the covenant that was sealed with a bow in the clouds, it is quite extensive!
- Read story from KJV Bible - Genesis 6-9:19; ask questions
- Read story from Golden's Children's Bible - pg. 26-31; ask questions
- Crafts, worksheets, coloring pages and songs related to story
- Video on Noah
Out of all the old testament stories, this one has the most (from what I can tell) crafts, coloring pages and materials so there should be no shortage of things you can do to let the lesson really sink in. I went slow and really drilled my daughter with questions and made her think and it proved successful. It isn't just to learn the story - it is to understand the reason that God gave it to us in his word! You will find that your child's mind will dwell on God's word if you put him first and teach your children daily. God will bless school that includes him!
My daughter loves the
minibooks and you can find this story's minibook in
color or
black and white. There is a larger minibook
We did the rainbow and the ark craft and you can find that
here. For a complete index of Noah crafts, color pages, etc. go
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