I did lay off teaching spelling and grammar until his reading is at a certain level, but he's already started asking how to spell certain words, as he likes to write everything now. I will see how long I can hold him off from these next steps but here is the general "normal" starting times for these subjects along with the OPGTR.
- By Lesson 115 of the OPGTR, you can start penmanship and spelling
- After Lesson 181, the child is ready for copywork (and lesson 42 in FLL1)
- You can start First Language Lessons 1 after Lesson 140 of the OPGTR, but make sure you don't start lesson 42 in FLL1 until you've reached Lesson 181 in OPGTR.
These are the guidelines that were listed in an FAQ that is on longer available online but I will be putting the PDF in a post coming soon or you can email me if you would like it now.
I tried to replay to the email you sent, but it was undeliverable. I am interested in the pdf. :-)