Monday, December 3, 2018

Free Sizzy Fun Phonics Readers!

There used to be a list of what phonics readers go along with each section in The Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading.  However, I couldn't find it online but you can download my PDF of it here.  On the list, they had Sizzy Fun Phonics readers and when I first went through the OPGTR with my daughter in 2009, we couldn't find those at our library, so we used the Modern Curriculum Press readers.  Now, with my son, we can't find the MCP readers, so I went looking for the others and that is when I found that you can download ALL of the Sizzy Fun Phonics readers for free!

You can download each book here or click this link to download ALL of the books in a zip file, enjoy!


  1. Thank you for sharing these little readers. They are perfect for my special needs 8 year old son who is learning to read.

    1. Awesome! I was so glad to have found them for free!
